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Transforming Your Life in Difficult Times: From Stuck to Empowered (On Zoom)

In turbulent times, it is still possible to lead a meaningful life full of peace, joy, love and harmony because it all starts from within. It is important for us to fully connect with our true Selves and tap into our inner resources. This class will teach you how to do that.

You will learn to:

·        Experience greater Self-awareness so you recognize when you are triggered

·        Identify and transform limiting beliefs, allowing you the freedom to create a life you love

·        Release energy that is not serving you, to remove anything blocking your path

·        Clarify what you do want in your life, so you can manifest it

·        Take responsibility for consciously creating your reality, rather than unconsciously creating what you may not want

·        Experience inner freedom, live authentically and be empowered

This class will meet on Wednesday nights on Zoom 6-8pm for 4 weeks starting January 17 - the dates are 1/17, 1/24, 1/31 and 2/7. Classes will be recorded if you miss one or want to watch again.

January 9

Shamanic Clinic on Zoom

January 23

Shaping the Landscape of Your Inner World for Greater Impact in Your External Reality - on zoom